Vice flavors: Afternoon Delight, Bourbon Mash, L'Orange a
Trois, Higher Grounds, Minted
Every flavor brought something special. I was thrilled that they had varieties of my two favorites. Minted is Vice's newest flavor and features a mint base with both mint chocolate "coins" and cookie pieces. Higher Grounds isn't just a coffee ice cream. It's coffee with chunks of mocha fudge, chocolate cookies, and espresso, which they somehow manage to make sweet. Like creamsicles? L'Orange a Trois is the most sophisticated deconstructed creamsicle you've ever had. Afternoon Delight is a fusion of three classic ice cream flavors with cookie dough, ribbons of fudge and caramel sauce, and salted caramel. The mix of sweet, salty, chocolate, and cookie dough makes a wonderful snack. The star of Bourbon Mash ice cream is the bourbon caramel sauce that is laced through it. The flavor of bourbon is there, but without the burn.
DF Mavens flavors: Raspberry, Red Bean, Key Lime Creme, Madagascar Vanilla Bean, Alphonso Mango
The Raspberry turned out to be a very pleasant sorbet; sweet, smooth, and cool. I found the Red Bean to be too mealy. The texture of the beans overtook the texture of the base ice cream. The Alphonso Mango reminded me of drinking a mango lassi. It was smooth and creamy and full of ripe mango flavor. It took me back to the mango ice cream I got as a child at my family's favorite Indian restaurant. The star at DF Mavens was the Madagascar Vanilla Bean. I don't order vanilla ice cream often; it's simple and classic but not very exciting, so I go for the bigger flavors. The Madagascar Vanilla Bean was the most delicious vanilla ice cream I've ever had. It was one of the best flavors at the Scooper Bowl across the board. There was a sophistication in the simplicity, a smoothness, and a fullness that made every bite luxurious. It was only after singing the praises of Madagascar Vanilla Bean that we discovered it is a vegan ice cream, and that makes it an even grander accomplishment.
Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory flavors: Strawberry, Chocolate Chocolate Chunk, Vanilla, Pistachio
...Or at least those are the ones they listed. All of the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory flavors were being served on tiny ice cream cones. Ice cream is always more fun on a cone! It gives you a little extra treat at the end and gave my tiny spoon a rest. We each grabbed a flavor; Greg got Pistachio, Justin took Strawberry, and I went for Chocolate Chocolate Chunk, as I hadn't had any chocolate yet. All were as fresh and fun as ever. And then we saw it... open face ice cream sandwiches. Ok, so it was really vanilla ice cream atop a giant Oreo cookie, but it was good! I had to eat it fast to keep the ice cream from melting off the cookie. Later in the day I went back to the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory booth, thinking I wanted to get Strawberry this time. I instead had a wonderful surprise; they had started scooping Blueberry! I got myself one last cone with the blueberry goodness and thoroughly enjoyed every lick.
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Open face Oreo |
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Surprise Blueberry |
Next to Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory was Graeter's (https://www.graeters.com/). This is the first I had tried the fourth generation Midwest ice cream brand. Their ice cream was rich and creamy. The flavors were not too fancy, but knew what they were, and what they were was good.
Graeter's flavors: Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip, Double Chocolate Chip, Madagascar Vanilla Bean
After having thoroughly sampled the creamy cold commodities of the first four vendors, we filled up what space remained with the national brands that were present. Ben and Jerry's will always have a special place in my heart, and I love that they are environmentally and socially responsible (learn more here: http://www.benjerry.com/values). I went for a taste of The Tonight Dough Starring Jimmy Fallon (caramel and chocolate ice cream with cookies, chocolate chip and peanut butter cookie dough) and found the caramel/chocolate/peanut/salty/sweet/smooth/goopy mix to hit the spot. Breyers, who makes the Neapolitan of my childhood, was the next tent over. I sampled their Cookies and Cream, which is simple and smooth and satisfying. Just so we could say we had tried everything we headed over to Baskin Robins. Generally I avoid Dunkin Donuts' frozen sister, but it was part of the experience. Love Potion #31 was cloyingly sweet with a tang to the flavor which can only be artificial. I guess the chocolate hearts were cute. Honestly, in a city with so much great ice cream, why would anyone waste their time? Häagen Dazs was our last stop of the day. They were giving out single serving containers so I took my mint chocolate chip to go, leaving the Scooper Bowl and all its cold, creamy, child-helping, world-changing goodness behind.
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